O Art TV continues the legacy of the earlier Art Channel and Art Television, an international television network originally founded in 1992 in Belgrade. It began as a terrestrial channel and later, from 2004 in Paris, evolved into a satellite television and internet-based platform dedicated to contemporary art and video art.

“Television as art” is the core concept of its Editor-in-Chief, artist Milan Atanaskovic, who examines the relationship between contemporary art, everyday life, and culture, while exploring how the television medium – encompassing its production elements, staff, journalists, technology, premises – can itself serve as a work of art.


In its latest internet-based iteration, O Art TV predominantly broadcasts raw overviews of exhibitions and contemporary art events, presented as fragments of experience and contributions to the FRAGMENTATION MUSEUM (;, an art concept that highlights fragmentation as a phenomenon and its product – the fragment – as a new artistic form in contemporary art.

Learn more about the history of O Art TV on the Wikipedia page here.

Copyrights for the video programs and artworks featured remain with their respective authors.

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To watch EVERYDAY REVOLUTION IN ART, click here for the O Art TV YouTube channel.

O Art TV is framed to mark the zero position of art at the transition between two eras. This zero position does not signify absence, but rather a resetting point, where fragmented realities converge to redefine artistic purpose and perception.